Staying in good health
Staying in good health
1. – 27.04.2019
Discover the medical offers at Glatt
How does my body work? What do I need to stay in good health? In our interactive exhibition you’ll explore the medical offers at Glatt as well as interesting fact concerning your well-being and prevention.
From ophthalmologist, beauty operation, gynecologist or surgery – our medical consultants are there for you.
- April 1st to April 13th, 2019: Get to know our doctors and the variety of surgeries from the Fachärztezentrum im Glatt.
- Wednesday, April 3rd from 2 pm t 5 pm: Exciting – see what a heart step adapter looks like and how it works with our cardiologist.
- Saturday, April 6th, 2019 from 11 am to 5 pm: Get to measure your blood pressure.
- Saturday, April 13th, 2019 from 11 am to 5 pm: Are you moving the right way? Make a walk analysis and find out.
- April 15th to April 26th, 2019: Get to know our doctors and their offers from Augen Glattzentrum OnO.