Cybermobbing prevention
Cybermobbing prevention
13. – 18.05.2019
When words hurt
In cooperation with Stiftung Elternsein the Glatt presents an impressive enlightenment campaign agains cybermobbing. This new phenomenon often leaves children as well as parents helpless. How you prevents cybermobbing and where there’s help if you’re affected you’ll find out here.
Most innovative are the smartphone station that’ll show that word can hurt as well. On the specially-prepared smartphones you’ll be able to read real chat messages teenagers sent to each other. Some aren’t painful an others hurt. When reading the hurtful message you’ll get a little, harmless electric impulse. The chat messages are only available in German.
Where and when
Untere Verkaufsebene (UVE) in front of the Glatt Information
Opens daily from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.